A bath of balloons is a very colorful and festive way to revitalize! |
It's that time of year again - the lovely month of January, where a new calendar begins and we have an opportunity to set intentions for how we want the new year to be. It's a time of Tabla Rasa, where we can wipe the slate clean. It's a time of resolutions, and we all know there are many pledges and promises we aim to keep - but don't always do so. But by carving out some time in our schedules to really focus in on what we want to achieve is always time well spent. By making our own kind of special and unique ritual around the event, we are more likely to get our psyches to pay attention to the importance of our aspirations.
Below are some questions that were included in the program from The Happy Happy ReBegin Day Celebration. Guests were invited to write down their answers in two parts. Part one was things they wished to manifest in 2013. The second part was for things they wanted to release and let go of from 2012. We had a fire-pit blazing outside the venue where people could then burn their 2012 responses. Several guests commented afterwards that they really felt transformed by the process and it made them feel so much better about the new year.
So, I am including the questions for you here - and suggest that you create your very own ritual around this process. Make it your own! Take the things you wish to manifest for 2013 and create an art piece from them, or frame the answers and have them posted up where you can see them throughout the year to remind you. "Out of sight, out of mind", so make sure your wishes are prominently displayed for you to frequently see! And for those things you want to shed - well, create your own kind of burning or cleansing ritual! Anytime is a good opportunity to have your own kind of ReBegin Release and Revitalize Ritual.
Contemplate & or
write down your responses –
and consider using them as a conversation piece
with other people!
I resolve to:
The goal I most to
accomplish/achieve is:
The thing I look most
forward to about 2013 is:
I would most like to
transform the following about the world:
This time next year, I
think I will be:
I would like some insight
on this issue:
My dream vision for 2013
(personal & or universal):
A wild/Foolish thing I
have not dared do, but could yet:
When you
complete this side of the paper, tear off from the rest of your program and
burn it in the fire at intermission or after show
would most like to release/shed/get rid of:
experience I would most like to forget is:
I could transform one thing about last year, it’s:
there is one thing I never need to do again it is:
felt the most embarrassed and stupid last year for:
worst thing to me about the state of life currently is:
would most like the world to: